Your water is supplied by your local water company through an underground service pipe. The flow of water into and around your home is controlled by an external and internal stopcock.
The external stopcock connects your property to the mains water supply and controls the flow of water to your home.
The external stopcock will be located under a cover by your water meter or set into the pavement or path in front of the house.
Before turning off the external stopcock, switch off your boiler to ensure it doesn’t run without an adequate water supply. To turn it off, you will need a screwdriver to remove the cover and a stopcock key or long reach tap tool to turn the stopcock.
The internal stopcock controls the flow of water from the mains supply to the pipes inside your home.
You will be shown where to find your internal stopcock during your Home Demonstration. It will normally be located under the kitchen sink, in a utility room or the downstairs cloakroom.
Before turning off the internal stopcock, switch off your boiler to ensure it doesn’t run without an adequate water supply. To isolate your home from the mains supply, simply turn the stopcock clockwise like an ordinary tap.