
Your lawn is the centrepiece of your garden. The perfect space for you to relax and your family to enjoy. You’ll find everything you need to know about nurturing your new lawn below.

For new lawns to bed in and flourish, all they need is a little TLC. To help you get off to the best possible start we’ve created our own lawn care guide, especially for new home buyers. Download your free copy here.

Laying new turf often stimulates mushroom growth, particularly in warm and humid conditions. There’s no need to worry, they usually disappear after a few weeks, or when the season changes.

Mushrooms can be cleared by mowing the lawn or brushing them away. To prevent them spreading make sure you completely remove them from your garden. Garden mushrooms are unlikely to edible, so don’t allow children to pick them and dispose of them in a safe place out of harm’s way.

The longer your lawn is established, the less likely mushrooms are to return. It is unlikely they will reappear after the lawn’s first growing season.