
Doors and locks play a crucial role in protecting your home and property from intruders and safeguarding you and your family in the event of a fire. Your front and back doors are fitted with a robust multiple locking system that should always be engaged when you leave your home.

To secure your home when you go out, close the door behind you and lift the handle up as far as it will go. This will automatically engage the multiple locking system. You can then lock the door with the key.

This is part of the building regulations, which stipulate that entrance doors should allow occupants to exit their home without the use of a key in an emergency.

Main entrance doors have a shield over the thumb turn lock and a hood over the letter box. Ground floor windows and any other windows that are easily accessible are fitted with window locks. Some house types also include extra security features such as door chains and spy holes.

External lights fitted with a detection sensor that turn on automatically if someone approaches your home after dark are a highly effective way of deterring potential intruders. If your home doesn’t have one fitted as standard, ask a qualified electrician for a quote.

Fire doors are fitted as standard in homes over two storeys and in doorways that connect homes with an integral garage.